Build a Cabinet Door Drying Rack
Many of you have asked how to recreate my cabinet drying racks. They are rolling, heavy duty tanks that hold 36 cabinet doors, and are almost impossible to topple over.
Begin by cutting a 30" square of 3/4" plywood. Attach 4 heavy duty 4" caster wheels. (see pics)
You need to cut 4 pieces of 3/4" plywood that each measure 12" x 72". Attach these pieces to form a square center column, with screws. Attach the center column to the 30" base plate with screws. Cut a 24" square of 3/4" plywood with a 12" square cutout in the center. Set it over the center column.
Attach drying arms approximately 5" apart vertically, doubling the arms for strength. The inside "arm should be 30" in length and the outside "arm" should be 40" in length. (see pics)
Everything is screwed together for maximum durability. Once completed this thing is a tank and almost impossible to turn over. I hope this description and the pictures help.
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I have a video on YouTube of How to Create a Spray Booth on the Cheap
I also have several videos on Spraying Chalk Type Paint and Using an Earlex 5500 Spray Station. I also did a test of the Chicago Sprayer from Harbor Freight Tools.